Sustainable Environmental Projects

Sustainable Environmental Projects

The protection of the environment is a major priority because our long-term growth and survival is dependent on ensuring that we have sustainable environmental policies. We are focused on ensuring that our operations have minimal negative impact on the environment.

Our environmental program enables us to use up-to-date, environment-friendly technologies for exploration, drilling and extraction.

We have policies in place that ensure continuous monitoring of our operations, for example, air, water, soil quality are frequently monitored. Wastes recycling are also monitored and we have measures in place to proactively respond to environmental emergencies.

Our employees are regularly trained on our environmental protection programs, thus, ensuring that we are all collectively abreast of the strategies for minimizing the harm our operations inflict on the environment.

Protecting the environment is an investment in the future development of our great nation.

Akala Road Project

Midwestern reconstructed the Akala Road in Delta state. This 1km road was constructed as part of the Umusadege community Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). ‘Core Street Consult’ – a community appointed contractor constructed the road with supervision by Community leaders and the Midwestern project team

Sustainable Water Projects

Water is life, hence our commitment to providing this very vital element to our host community. We have commissioned two water projects as follows:

  • 16 manual boreholes in Umusadege Community
  • Solar-powered boreholes in Umusadege Community