Community Health Care

Community Health Care

The well-being of the people in our host community is important to us at Midwestern Oil and Gas knowing that the good health of the people would increase their productive capacity which in turn would galvanise the local economy.

With this realisation, we invest in the health sector via several internal projects like primary healthcare facility constructions as well as our annual medical outreach. Midwestern also champions and sponsors several worthy health-related courses that are designed to improve the general state of health of Nigerians.

Medical Outreach

Health, they say, is the commonwealth of the people, and no one understands this better than us at Midwestern Oil & Gas Company Limited, as such, the company and its joint venture partner, SunTrust Atlantic Energies hold an annual medical outreach program for their host communities of Umusadege, Umusam, Ogbeani, and other neighbouring communities.

We are happy to change the course of the tide and give the community a new lease of life by helping them manage these conditions better with proper diagnosis and treatment. Patients with hypertension, diabetes, typhoid fever, osteoarthritis, malaria fever, and arthritis received treatment during the program. In addition, outreach involved giving away free eyeglasses and lenses. Vital sign screening for primary health, treatment for malaria, and medication dispensing. All these were done and provided for free.

Midwestern is committed to improving the lives of the people; hence, the company constructed and fully furnished a 20-bed amenity ward at the Kwale General Hospital, Delta State. Additionally, the company also built and furnished health centers in different communities.

Midwestern Visits Orphanages

Midwestern Company Spreads Love and Kindness to Orphanage and Motherless Babies Homes Every Year. A visit to an orphanage and motherless babies’ homes is a life-changing experience as it is filled with emotions and sentiments.
We at Midwestern Oil & Gas Company Limited are lucky to get an opportunity to pay courtesy visits to orphanages and motherless babies’ homes every year. They may not have a family to call their own, but they have hope and dreams just like you and me.

Midwestern Company’s gesture demonstrates its commitment to giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable children. The company believes that every child deserves love, care, and support, regardless of their circumstances.

This act of kindness is a testament to the power of corporate social responsibility and the difference it can make in people’s lives. Midwestern Company’s generosity will have a lasting impact on the children and the homes, providing them with hope and inspiration for a brighter future.”